chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Last edit: 2021-03-21 22:34 by Majenko


  1. Synopsis

  2. Description

  3. Return Value

  4. Conforming To

  5. Examples

  6. See Also


 isrFunc setIntVector(int vec, isrFunc func)


setIntVector() assigns an interrupt handler function to an interrupt vector. The previous interrupt handler pointer is returned.

Return Value

The previous interrupt handler pointer.

Conforming To

setIntVector() does not conform to any external API, it is unique to the chipKIT system.


 setIntVector(_TIMER_3_VECTOR, myInterruptFunction);

See Also

attachInterrupt(), detachInterrupt(), clearIntEnable(), clearIntFlag(), clearIntVector(), disableInterrupts(), enableInterrupts(), getIntFlag(), getIntPriority(), getIntVector(), restoreIntEnable(), restoreInterrupts(), setIntEnable(), setIntPriority()