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uC32 and Basic I/O Shield OLED

Created Sat, 25 Aug 2012 15:43:01 +0000 by zulucat


Sat, 25 Aug 2012 15:43:01 +0000

I recently purchased a uC32 and a Basic I/O Shield. There is a problem when using the OLED library with the uC32. I'm using MPIDE-20120811-RC4 and when the uC32 is selected (Tools->Board) the library fails to compile. The trouble is that neither BOARD_UNO or BOARD_MEGA is defined.

In the files OledDriver.h and OledDriver.c I changed the original statements

#if defined (_BOARD_UNO_)


#if defined (BOARD_UNO) || defined (BOARD_UC32)

The library compiles just fine now.


Mon, 27 Aug 2012 20:11:27 +0000

Yes, that is the correct thing to do.

I thought that I had already taken care of that, but if I did, the fixed version of the library never made it to our web site.

I'll get it taken care of in the next day or so.

Thanks, Gene Apperson Digilent