chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Is there hardware debugging for chipKit ?!

Created Wed, 19 Oct 2011 13:05:17 +0000 by hemmerling


Wed, 19 Oct 2011 13:05:17 +0000


Is there hardware debugging for chipKit ?!

Hardware debugging was and is not the strong point of Arduino.

With the official Ardunio IDE there was and is no support of hardware debuggers, though the Arduino boards can be used with Atmel Studio 4 & 5, with support of Atmel hardware debuggers. Especially, with the Atmel Dragon, there is a very affordable hardware debugger ( so no reason to use the original Arduino IDE at all ).

As the debuggers are Atmel hardware-specific, you can´t use it with chipKIT of course ( IMHO,AFAIK ).

May I use the official PIC IDEs for software development of your chipKit boards ?

  • The free"MPLAB Integrated Development Environment", based on NetBeans.
  • The free IDE Microchip Technology Inc "MPLAB X".

Comment: If not, then your board would be a failure....

if yes, May I use the affordable PIC hardware debugger Microchip Technology Inc. "PICkit 3 In-Circuit Debugger" with your board, with these 2 IDEs ?

Comment: If not, then your board would be a failure....

If you seriously suggest to use the Ardunio Multiple-Target IDE, then please enable hardware debugging for chipKit, with source level debugging, with this IDE.

Else any invest in the IDE is worthless, as I would always prefer hardware-debugging & source-level debugging.

Sincerely Rolf


Wed, 19 Oct 2011 16:39:42 +0000

Hello, Is there hardware debugging for chipKit ?!


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